Sunday, May 20, 2012

All That Glitters

All that glitters is not gold.
Shakespeare wrote that 400 years ago, but they are words which will never prove untrue. Because we like to think that all that glitters
is gold.
But just because the new, shiny obsession has come into the public eye,
and just because the revolutionary idea seems so wonderful,
and just because an object, or person, or want, seems so glorious and so valid,
most all are plastic underneath.
And even if, at first, they seem to hold lasting treasure or value, it only takes a matter of time for the top coat to chip off,
and the true colors to show through.

Don't chase after plastic dreams. Search for gold. And set your heart above,
where Christ is.

I'm sorry I am not attributing the pictures; they were in my folder and I do not know where I got them. Someone took them, and I shall do better next time to tell you who.


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